
Customer testimonials

Cinzia, Teilnehmende vom Seminar „Emotionale Intelligenz“, November 2024
«Ich profitiere immer noch vom Kurs und finde, dass du uns alle echt inspiriert hast und dieses Thema sehr gut vermittelt hast.»

Andrea, Teilnehmende vom Seminar „Emotionale Intelligenz“, November 2024
«Das Seminar hat mir wertvolle Impulse gegeben, neue Verhaltensweisen auszuprobieren und Klarheit sowie Gelassenheit in meinen Alltag zu integrieren. Bereits in der ersten Teamsitzung nach dem Kurs konnte ich einen kleinen, aber bedeutenden Schritt machen, auf den ich stolz bin. Die Inhalte und die Methode des Seminars bieten eine wertvolle Grundlage für meine persönliche und berufliche Weiterentwicklung. Vielen Dank für die inspirierende Begleitung auf diesem Weg!»

Philipp, Teilnehmende vom Seminar „Emotionale Intelligenz“, November 2024
«Hoi Marina! Herzlichen Dank nochmals für die beiden spannenden Kurstage. Du hast uns nicht nur umfassendes Wissen vermittelt, sondern uns auch mit einem wertvollen Werkzeugkasten ausgestattet, der uns hilft, den Herausforderungen des Alltags mit mehr Selbstbewusstsein und emotionaler Intelligenz zu begegnen. Die praktischen Übungen und Einsichten haben mir sehr weitergeholfen und mir gezeigt, wie ich meine Reaktionen besser verstehen und gezielt steuern kann. Deine einfühlsame und inspirierende Art hat den Kurs zu einer bereichernden Erfahrung gemacht. Ich schätze die Klarheit, mit der du komplexe Themen verständlich erklärt hast, und die offene Atmosphäre, die du geschaffen hast. Ich wünsche dir weiterhin viel Erfolg und Freude auf deinem Weg, und vielleicht kreuzen sich unsere Wege ja wieder einmal. Alles Gute und nochmals vielen Dank.»

Andrea, Teilnehmende vom Seminar „Emotionale Intelligenz“, November 2024
«Liebe Marina! Du hast das wunderbar gemacht – sehr ruhig und sehr strukturiert. Es hat Spass gemacht, dir während diesen zwei Schulungstagen zuzuhören, wie du professionell durch die Welt der Emotionalen Intelligenz geleitet hast. Ich nehme persönlich sehr viel mit, was ich in meinem privaten Leben sowie auch im beruflichen Kontext werde anwenden können. Danke dafür. Herzlich, Andrea»

Bettina, Teilnehmende vom Seminar „Emotionale Intelligenz“, Oktober 2024
«Der Kurs von Marina Riedi war abwechslungsreich, kurzweilig und vor allem sehr lehrhaft. Sie schafft es durch ihre Professionalität und reichem Erfahrungsschatz die Teilnehmenden auf Augenhöhe abzuholen und in die komplexe Welt der Emotionen zu entführen. Jede und jeder konnte an Alltagswissen und eigene berufliche Situationen anknüpfen und so möglichst konkret vom Kurs profitieren. Mit konkreten Tipps, Tricks und Tools konnte ich meine Kompetenzen erweitern und reflektieren. Der Kurs war für mich als Führungskraft, Mitarbeiterin und Mensch eine Bereicherung.»

Ariane Russi, Teilnehmende vom Seminar „Emotionale Intelligenz“, Oktober 2024
«Marina hat es verstanden, in unserem Kurs innert kürzester Zeit ein Klima des Vertrauens unter den Teilnehmenden zu schaffen. Wir lernten ein breites Repertoire an Techniken und Tools kennen und konnten einige davon direkt in der Praxis innerhalb dieses geschützten Rahmens ausprobieren. Marina hat die Bedürfnisse der Gruppe wahrgenommen und ihr Programm stetig daran angepasst. Eine solche Flexibilität ist beeindruckend und ich habe noch keine Weiterbildung besucht, bei der die Dozierenden sich derart vom Skript lösen konnten, um mit dem Moment zu gehen. Vielen Dank für diesen prägenden, tiefgründigen Kurs, der in mir viel bewegt hat.»

Teilnehmende vom Seminar „Emotionale Intelligenz“, Februar 2024
«Liebe Marina! Herzlichen Dank für zwei schöntolle Weiterbildungs-Tage! Ich konnte sehr viel mitnehmen, meine «Werkzeugkiste» ist prall gefüllt und ich freue mich auf den Transfer: Theorie zu Praxis. Du bist eine Top-Dozentin und eine sagenhafte Kursleiterin! Ich kann die Weiterbildung aller wärmstens weiterempfehlen und werde dies auch tun. Vielen Dank für ALLES! Mucho Aloha & liebe Grüsse. Stina»

Teilnehmende vom Seminar „Emotionale Intelligenz“, Februar 2024
«Marina hat uns sehr motiviert und mit viel Energie durch die beiden Seminartage geführt. Sie hat die Themen verständlich erklärt und es blieb immer genügend Zeit, um die neuen Techniken zu üben und so die für sich wertvollsten Tipps mitzunehmen. Die umfangreichen Seminarunterlagen sind ein gutes Nachschlagewerk, um einzelne Themen auch später nochmals aufzufrischen.»

Stephan Knecht-Rüst, Abteilung HR Heilsarmee, Dezember 2023
«Marina führte unser Team äusserst souverän, einfühlsam und mit einer Prise Humor durch die zwei Kurstage. Mit beeindruckender Anpassungsfähigkeit an unsere Bedürfnisse und Kultur bewies sie nicht nur ihre Fähigkeit, über emotionale Intelligenz und Empathie zu lehren, sondern diese auch authentisch zu leben. Alle Teilnehmer waren tief beeindruckt und haben die Erfahrung als bereichernd empfunden.»

Teilnehmende vom Seminar „Emotionale Intelligenz“, Zürich, Juni 2023
«Ein empfehlenswerter Kurs, sehr guter fachlicher Input der Dozentin, das richtige Verhältnis zwischen Theorie und Gruppenarbeit sowie Kursunterlagen, die auch nach dem Seminar hilfreich sind. Merci vielmal! Man könnte ihn gut und gerne auf 4 Halbtage ausdehnen. Auch die Durchführung online hat super geklappt.»

Participants of the seminar "Emotional Intelligence", Zurich, November 2022
«Dear Marina, Thank you very much for the course and the documents! You have accompanied us very confidently, empathetically and humorously through the two days! And you created the space so that we could exchange and learn a lot from each other.»

Participants of the seminar "Emotional Intelligence", Einsiedeln, November 2022
«Dear Marina, thank you for your valuable training with your extensive and appealing documents - as well as your appreciative words. I was able to take away some things for myself, which will have an effect and calibrate further - for that I thank you.»

M. Dubois, participant of the course "On the way to becoming a master of emotions", Einsiedeln, December 2021
«In the two courses of two days each, I got to know EI. I was able to learn a lot about my feelings and those of my counterpart. The contexts were also very exciting. In everyday life, whether at work or in my private life, I have now found a tool for myself to deal with emotions. Marina led through the courses in a very professional way. She has the ability to lead the participants to "aha" experiences. Ways are shown and worked out together. I felt comfortable with her as a course giver and as a person at all times.»

Béatrice Boueri, Head of Assessments at pdp performance development partners, Switzerland, October 2021
«My team and I did the EQ-i and EQ360 certification at EQpower. We really appreciated Marina's energy, presence and attitude as a coach. The content was clear and we were able to absorb a large amount of information in a limited amount of time. We were also impressed with the organization of the training program and the platform and materials available.»

Project management professional, participant of an individual coaching program, Switzerland, December 2020
«Marina Riedi not only put together an exciting seminar, but also demonstrated much more the implementation of theory on concrete topics of the participants and worked together with us. Thus, the course was very entertaining, active, but also challenging. The course materials are a useful manual and tool. If you want to make better use of your emotional intelligence in everyday (work) life and deal with challenging situations and people more calmly in the future, Marina Riedi is the right person for you. Last but not least, she is also warm and empathetic as a person and convinces with her knowledge and experience. I look forward to the continuation.»

Project management professional, participant of an individual coaching program, Switzerland, December 2020
«I took several EQ tests with Marina, and for each of them she provided a well-prepared summary and detailed explanation, and immediately identified which areas I should pay attention to and think more about. It is not only her exceptional and research-based knowledge of emotional intelligence that impressed me, but also her very refined way of adapting to the client's personality. As a logical consequence, we implemented an individual coaching program, which consisted of a series of very effective conversations on the EQ topics that we had defined together as relevant. Each time Marina surprised me with a new tool that was easy to use and very efficient in its application. She has a natural gift to help the client uncover their hidden potential and discreetly help build a new understanding in dealing with different more or less challenging situations. This work has helped me to re-construct and grow myself while remaining authentic and in alignment with my values. I am very grateful to Marina for this and recommend this kind of experience to anyone who wants to explore and benefit from the field of emotional intelligence.»

J. D. Rubin, participant of the individual coaching program, Switzerland, July 2020
«I'm a self-improvement junkie, I would do whatever it takes to improve myself rather than settle for the complacency of excellence. For this reason, I have read too many books on organizational psychology, human behavior, and also emotional intelligence. One of the most valuable lessons from the sessions with Marina was that just because I tend to be an outlier in the organization in terms of mindset, performance, etc., it does not mean that I lack EQ. She made me feel that my EQ is good enough and that I don't need to feel inadequate because I am not very diplomatic or politically savvy. Being consistent with my values and staying true to who I am is more important than achieving a high level of EQ that you might want. For that, I am grateful.»

Michele, participant of the EQ-i & EQ 360 certification program, Prangins, June 2020.
«I had the pleasure of completing my EQi certification with Marina. Throughout the process, Marina was extremely professional and very thorough. Marina took the time to contact us prior to the training and was responsive to each of our personalities during the two-day program. Marina did a great job preparing us for the exam, and even after certification, Marina is always there to support me and answer questions to help me move forward on my personal learning curve. Marina is very passionate about Emotional Intelligence and a great role model for all coaches looking to introduce EQ into organizations.»

Alissa Rentowitsch, Business Coach 4.0, participant of the EQ-i & EQ 360 certification program, November 2020
«Ms. Riedi is the epitome of all the basic competencies of emotional intelligence, which I was able to see for myself during my certification as an EQ-i 2.0 trainer in June 2020: extremely agile and accommodating when it came to designing the workshops and extraordinarily emphatic in all other respects. She meets her clients with an attitude of respect, interest and appreciation and delivers the learning content in an interactive, engaging way. It was a great pleasure to participate in the certification process with Ms. Riedi. In the age of AI, Emotional Intelligence is one of the top skills of the future, precisely because it cannot be replaced by AI. Thank you, dear Ms. Riedi, that I can now make a meaningful contribution to the future as an EQ trainer!»

Participants of the seminar "Emotional Intelligence", Zurich, April 2020
«A really good seminar, which gives you real tools to develop more emotional intelligence. Marina also managed to create an open atmosphere in which the participants openly addressed their emotional "problems". The participants were able to gain new insights, partly guided by Marina and partly by the whole group, and some of them were already able to report successes on the second day. A seminar that is worthwhile and I am quite sure that almost everyone will take something for themselves. As with any seminar, the more open you are, the more you will benefit. In this case, where it's about your own emotions, and of course the emotions we don't like to have, it's essential for moving forward. So get involved with it.»

Participants of the seminar "Emotional Intelligence", Zurich, March 2020
«Marina Riedi was able to motivate every participant in our workshop to actively participate. Through her gift of listening carefully and asking the right questions, we felt understood and were able to benefit not only from our own situations, but also from those of others. Marina Riedi provides great approaches to recognizing emotions, classifying them and using the insights from them positively for oneself. For me, a new and very exciting look at my needs, expectations and the emotions associated with them. Thank you for this new perspective.»

Sebastian Kaspar, Ph.D. PMP, Project Manager, Zurich, Februar 2020
«Marina's emotional intelligence workshop helped me to deepen my understanding of the concepts of emotional self-awareness, emotional self-regulation and empathy and to integrate them into my everyday life. Thanks to her highly motivated nature and talent in the field of emotional intelligence, she managed to create an open-minded and extremely fruitful atmosphere between the participants, which greatly improved the results of the course. Thus, her coaching has had a lasting impact on my personal development in the field of emotional intelligence, for which I am very grateful.»

Agnieszka Rychlewska, ICF Zurich Chapter Leader, August 2019
«Marina is a highly skilled trainer and coach. I have had the pleasure of experiencing her in many different settings, and her ability to be present in front of any audience and engage everyone in meaningful dialogue has always amazed me. Recently, Marina led a workshop for the International Coach Federation (ICF) that I organized. The workshop was sold out and the participants showed great appreciation for the inspiring yet practical learning she provided. Thank you, Marina, for your continued contribution to our ICF community!»

M. Wittwer, participant of the seminar "Fundamentals of Emotional Intelligence", Bildungszentrum Zürichsee, September 2019
«The Emotional Intelligence course helped me to realize the importance of emotions. Marina explained important basics to me in a well-prepared course, in a pleasant atmosphere. Feelings are an important source of information that give me information about my (un)fulfilled needs. With my reflections/thoughts I can influence my feelings. Recognizing, understanding, expressing, controlling and using my own emotions seems to me to be an important part of self-care. I am happy to recommend Marina Riedi as a very empathetic, dedicated, competent and gifted course instructor.»

Participant from the Emotional Intelligence Seminar, Zurich, November 2019
«Marina Riedi did an excellent job of making the workshop interactive, involving the participants and quickly creating an atmosphere of trust. She combined theory and practice by drawing on scientific findings and models while incorporating very practical and easy-to-implement tips and exercises.»

Rosa Hofer, Switzerland, June 2018
«I would like to thank Marina for the coaching! Marina was like an ambulance and helped me quickly and constructively to get out of my predicament. Concise and profound questions, a comfortable space to reflect, and gentle guidance into my inner space helped me find and defuse the "spy" - my limiting beliefs that in their cumulative effect had caused an acute sense of anxiety. Marina's feedback on my condition was also very profound and helpful to me. Coaching from a true professional! Thank you so much for the transformation!»

Lisa Larsson, Director, Data Science and Engineering, Zurich, Juli 2019
StepStone Group «Thank you again for developing and presenting the workshop on emotional intelligence. We took away a lot of practical tips for professional communication. The activity was a hit: there were surprising points from each group, and we all learned a bit about how our colleagues approach different situations. The workshop and apero fostered discussions within our teams and across the corporate hierarchy: These conversations are a core goal of the StepStone Diversity and Inclusion Network. A big thank you for your hard work in making this event a clear success.»

Natascha Siegrist, Organizer of the WAVE conference by Career Women’s Forum, Geneva, 2019
«Marina joined our request to bring an innovative approach to our conference on leadership and emotional intelligence. She demonstrated strong leadership skills while leading an audience of more than 300 people through a reflection exercise on emotional intelligence. This coaching moment was a turning point in our event and brought energy and confidence. Marina is a strong professional who was a pleasure to work with.»

Gaëlle Tanniou, Organizer of the WAVE conference by Career Women’s Forum, Geneva, 2019
«Marina was very enthusiastic when we asked her to participate in the conference on Emotional Intelligence and its impact on leadership. She demonstrated initiative by suggesting different types of training exercises to help the audience embed their knowledge and awareness of Emotional Intelligence. She was very engaging and listened carefully to the needs of the conference, tailoring her content to the other speakers to promote understanding of the topic. In short, Marina is a great professional who listens to her clients' needs, seeks feedback, and is thus fully committed to achieving the best results. Thank you, Marina, for this collaboration and the insightful interaction you contributed to our conference.»

Carl Emerson, Managing Director at InsideOut Solutions, Basel, Switzerland, April 2018
«I had the great pleasure of being coached by Marina in early 2018 and was amazed at the value of the whole experience. Marina has the ability to ask a question deeper than a question, in such a gentle and insightful way that I was able to see things I had not seen before. She also managed to keep me from avoiding the issue and not answering (despite my years of experience with such red herrings!), kept us on track, and gently, very gently, encouraged me to keep going.
In addition to her wonderful coach/client rapport, I was very impressed with the resources she was able to bring to the table. She is very experienced and was able to apply a variety of structures that were appropriate for the moment. To my delight, I had a breakthrough with a problem that has plagued many others over the years and it is now no longer a problem for me, just a hurdle I have overcome.
I wouldn't hesitate to recommend her.»

Silvia Hofmann, Zurich, Switzerland, April 2018
«Leaving the familiar and embarking on something new is always associated with excitement, but also with doubts and fears. After 20 years of working in the same company, it was time to look for a new challenge. But why was it so difficult to take a step forward? In our coaching sessions, Marina helped me to clearly analyze the emotional circumstances and work on the blocks. I really appreciate Marina's clear mind, her composure, her empathy and her very structured method in coaching.»

Mara Lascar, Joy Corporate, Basel, Switzerland, March 2018
«I've been fortunate to work with Marina on several programs and conduct workplace health workshops for our mutual clients. Not only is she a great EQ coach, but she brings new methods that greatly improve communication and team spirit between participants. She is also a spontaneous personality and a helping hand in all the projects we have together. She is spontaneous, dedicated and empathetic. A true professional.»

Michaela, participant of the training on Emotional Intelligence, Basel, Switzerland, November 2017
«In my work as a project manager in the pharmaceutical industry, emotional intelligence is very important, and I was pretty sure that my emotional intelligence was quite highly developed. However, after completing the EQ Power questionnaire and receiving the report, I realized that there were some gaps. Before the meeting with Marina, I was disappointed in myself. The discussions with Marina were very helpful and interesting. We identified the points that I will work on and Marina also explained to me the 'how'. After 45 minutes my session should have ended, but Marina continued to work with me, which ended in a coaching session. Marina - thank you so much for talking with me, your patience, identifying gaps, but also giving me ideas on how to work on them. I look forward to seeing you again in January.»

Snjezana Gilic, Teacher, Horgen, Switzerland, November 2017
«Marina Riedi should coach every teacher. She does an excellent job of preparing her participants for difficult conversations with parents, constructively evaluating problems with one-on-one conversations, and working with participants to find solutions to difficulties in the classroom. I recommend her continuing education "Emotional Intelligence in Leadership and Everyday Life" at the Bildungszentrum Zurüchsee, Horgen every teacher and school principal»

Radu Stanica, Switzerland, December 2017
«This year of coaching was like a discovery: I was able to find answers for myself in your questions.»

Lisa C., Zug, Switzerland, October 2017
«Marina's passion for Emotional Intelligence and expertise in the field is reflected in all of her work. She is very knowledgeable and explains concepts in a thoughtful, articulate manner. It was a pleasure to work with a professional like Marina.»

Katarina Korzova, Teufen, Switzerland, September 2017
«I chose EQ POwer for my EQ-i 2.0 certification and appreciate Marina's knowledge and professional approach. I could feel Marina's passion for the topic of Emotional Intelligence. She is an experienced trainer and coach and uses her skills in the perfect blend. She helped me to successfully pass my certification. Thank you.»

Participants of the training "Smart emotions - how is it possible", Bildungszentrum Zürichsee Horgen, March 2017
«After your explanations and examples, I am able to better understand my feelings several times a day. I noticed that I need to know my emotional state in the first place in order to be able to pick up the conversation partner in the conversation... Interesting was also the discussions about the terms and words which I was familiar with, but whose terms were difficult to describe... Practical examples of how I can improve my communication, e.g. not wanting to talk positively about negative things, but speaking plainly and saying negative things negatively, I also take with me.»

Bernadette Mühlebach, Chairwoman Activity, Kiwanis-Club Zürich Turicum, November 2016
«Dear Marina, Thank you very much for your enriching impulse lecture on the topic "Smart emotions - how is it possible?" Clearly and convincingly, and with a good dose of charm, you passed on a wide variety of information and suggestions in so little time. I was also impressed by how sensitively and helpfully you were able to respond to the needs of the audience. The first step has been taken, now it's time to practice! Your clear documentation is ideally suited for this. I highly recommend you!»

Tom Kostrzewa, Kostrzewa Executive Coaching, Switzerland, June 2016
«There are many different tools in the field of EQ and leadership, so why did I choose EQ-i? Quite simply because I am convinced of Marina Riedi as an expert in EQ. That's why I followed her recommendation and got certified for the EQ-i tool and approach in May 2016. My expectations of the course were more than met. Marina links theory and practice in a sympathetic and pragmatic way. I have now been able to use the tool in my leadership mentoring and am thrilled. Completely new communication formats are opening up to me, e.g. Skype Mentoring based on the structured MHS report EQ-i. My favorite is clearly the EQ 360 Leadership Report. It is now an important module in my mentoring program. I can only recommend to all colleagues in the Leadership Coaching environment to have a look at EQ-i and have a conversation with Marina about EQ.»

Natalia Bozhkova, Participant, "Me and the Other: The Space of Relationships!" Conference, St. Petersburg, Russia, April 2016
«Who are we? Do emotions guide our lives or are we able to regulate our emotions? The topic Marina explores is interesting and complex. We cannot live without emotions, we cannot not love, be angry, empathize, rejoice, regret, emotions color our lives in bright colors. and at the same time emotions often take control of consciousness and bring a lot of problems in our lives. who are we? Emotions control our lives or we use emotions to understand events that are beyond logic? Marina not only beautifully expounded the concept of emotional intelligence, but also gave examples of how emotions can affect our self-perception and negatively distort the image of the world around us, even though emotions were originally given to humans as the greatest gift. Living in harmony with one's emotions is the key to a happy and fulfilling life.
The training is useful both for practicing psychologists and for people interested in their development. Marina gave an algorithm for working with the client in the context of the topic of emotional intelligence, offered a very good visualization of the client's motivation to work with emotions so that emotions can become reliable helpers, gave an example of working with weak and strong sides, the logical conclusion of the coaching was an action plan for working with weaknesses.»

Feedback from participants on the Emotional Intelligence Workshop Zurich, Switzerland, August 2015
«Marina has a very personable and empathetic manner, as well as a very credible charisma...She responded very well to the participants and understood your problems and questions...Marina provided a trusting and focused atmosphere in the course.»

Carina Schey, Health Economist Toastmasters Leadership Institute (TLI) event organizer, Bern, Switzerland, February 2016
«Marina recently spoke at an event on emotional intelligence. Her content was interesting and exceptionally well delivered. She had also interviewed members of the audience before her talk and was able to incorporate their thoughts into her talk, making it even more relevant and demonstrating her flexible and interactive approach. Super talk that was commented on positively by many.»

Christian Albrich, SVP, Head Global Human Resources, Actelion Pharmaceuticals Ltd., Basel, Switzerland, Juni 2015
«It was very enriching for the team to have a workshop on Emotional Intelligence and to better understand how to manage this type of human interactions in a way that improves the efficiency of the individual and of the group. Marina uses the tools (EQ-i and EQ-360) in a very professional way and is able to adapt to the audience.»

Susanne Surace Solothurn, Switzerland, May 2015
«Marina Riedi imparted a lot of meaningful knowledge about Emotional Intelligence to the participants at my event. The participants were enthusiastic about her very likeable, cordial as well as highly professional manner. She has the ability to capture people's attention and interest right from the start. She surprises with her quick empathy to assess people correctly and manages to inspire the attendees with her professional know how. At the end, she succeeded in giving the participants a positive feeling through new inspirations and the desire to implement what they had learned. Nice to have met you.»

Rita Kunz, ICF Chapter Leader Bern, Coach & Consultant, ACC Bern, January 2015
«Marina, you did an excellent job presenting Emotional Intelligence and Coaching. The participants really enjoyed it and took so much away from the evening. You were obviously well prepared and explained in a very professional way the synergy and potential of combining these two disciplines - thank you again!»

Sara Bumbacher, Trainer & Coach, Switzerland, October 2014
«The certification was very practical and understandable. The trainer is very flexible and responds to the wishes of the participants. EQ-i can be used very well in coaching, the test is short and understandable and has a high significance. The handling and processing of the tool is very professional and easy to understand.»

HR professional in Life Science Industry Switzerland, August 2014
«My experience working with Marina on Emotional Intelligence has been very rewarding and enriching. Not only did I enjoy the ease of use of the EQ-i instrument and its coherent logical structure, but I also benefited greatly from Marina's supportive guidance during our debriefings, which allowed me to expand my self-awareness and design a pragmatic action plan. I highly recommend EQ-i & EQ-360 to anyone curious about exploring the possibilities of becoming emotionally intelligent. These tools, combined with Marina's brilliant ability as a professional coach to unlock her clients' potential, are an inspiring springboard for personal growth.»

Participant of the workshop "Solving problems detached from emotions" Switzerland, June 2014
«Dear Marina, thank you very much for the great workshop yesterday! Emotional intelligence is a very exciting topic that concerns us all - to unite heart and mind. Thank you for bringing this topic back into my life.»

Hermann Wehrli, Board Member, ZGP - Zurich Society for Human Resource Management Switzerland, May 2014
«Thank you very much for your very interesting explanations and practical examples on the occasion of our ZGP lunch forum. All participants were very taken with your well-structured presentation, the cleverly chosen structure and the easy-to-understand examples of what EQ-i can bring as a self-awareness, assessment and leadership tool. You succeeded very well in answering not only the theoretical part but also the many related questions. The feedback of the almost 20 participants was very positive throughout. I would be very pleased if, through further cooperation with ZGP, we could present your methodology to a larger circle of HR managers with the aim that, thanks to a broader understanding of a targeted strengthening of emotional intelligence, the added value in companies can be positively influenced with such an instrument.»

Dr. Ernst Bechinie, Board Member, International Coach Federation CH, MCC Switzerland, January 2014
«Dear Marina, congratulations. You gave a very nice presentation at the ICF Chapter, Suisse Romande. Good balance of exercises and lecture, good presence, good flow, people were all with you!»

Wahid Sharaf, Zurich Chapter Leader, International Coach Federation CH Switzerland, March 2014
«Marina presented a workshop on Emotional Intelligence at the ICF Zurich Chapter Meeting on February 27, 2014. I was very impressed with her highly professional delivery of the workshop, the passion and enthusiasm she has for her topic, and the engaging connection she built and maintained with the workshop participants throughout the session. Marina clearly demonstrated her mastery of the topic of emotional intelligence and enriched her audience with her amazing ability to share her knowledge. Thank you, Marina, for the opportunity to learn from you.»

Esther Goethe, Chapter Leader, ICF Suisse Romande, Switzerland, January 2014
«Thank you for your presentation: it was a really valuable workshop, and both the EI and the 8-method are powerful tools that add immediate value to customer interactions! It makes me curious to learn more! I liked how you made the connection between Emotional Intelligence and Coaching - I think there is indeed an overlap there. In fact, I doubt there is good coaching without a high level of EI.»

Lesley Stephenson, Switzerland, February 2013
«Marina gave a presentation on emotional intelligence yesterday in our office for me and a colleague. This is her area of expertise, and the presentation was very professional and helpful. She made connections to our own work helping clients turn anger into peak performance, and completed the big picture of the power of emotions. I highly recommend Marina's workshops to companies looking to improve teamwork and understanding, as well as individuals looking to better understand and leverage their emotions.»

Isabelle Mccoy, Switzerland, April 2013
«In my role as a member of the organizing committee, I had the pleasure of working with Marina before and during the Congrès de Management de Projet (2013), an annual event specializing in all aspects of project management where she led one of the workshops. Marina's module "Be emotionally smart" introduced participants to the critical need to understand emotional intelligence and provided them with the tool to identify EQ (emotional quotient). Marina is very professional and diligent, not only in imparting her knowledge, but also in engaging her audience. She is passionate about her work, especially on this topic, and she is very open in her approach. Marina is a true pleasure to work with, and I look forward to working with her in 2014!»

Roger Müller, Switzerland, July 2013
«The assessment at EQ Power was very useful for me. The structure - starting with a written multiple choice test, its evaluation in a clear and easy-to-understand document and the subsequent personal discussion - is ideal. The one-and-a-half-hour discussion with Marina Riedi gave me a great deal of clarity about my own strengths and potential for improvement. I received practical input on how I can increase my emotional intelligence. I felt very good after this session, and I'm looking forward to now implementing my personal action plan in everyday life.»

Dana Walden, Switzerland, May 2013
«I observed and appreciated your passion and energy for the topic of emotional intelligence and your ability to effectively engage me in a virtual environment (Skype). You also cared deeply about my comfort and understanding of emotional intelligence and ensured that we spoke a common language throughout the session. Through attentive active listening, you were able to provide insight and make connections that allowed me to create an action plan that drew on my strengths and allowed me to grow.»

Christine Pisapia, Switzerland, May 2013
«Within 90 minutes, I was able to take away at least 2 "golden nuggets" of actionable changes that I began applying within the first 24 hours. This was made possible by Marina's ability to penetrate the layers of my detailed EQ-i report and focus on a few key points that led me to these gems. During our open and detailed discussion, Marina was very good at paraphrasing what I was saying without bringing her own bias into the mix. In the end, she helped me put the pieces of the puzzle together so that I could walk away from our session with a clear picture of my strengths and how to improve my weaknesses.»

Bettina Komminoth, Switzerland, October 2012
«The EQ-i 2.0 assessment aroused my curiosity and clarified the complexity of the topic. The facilitated discussion that followed the assessment was very exciting and instructive. Particularly helpful and also sustainable was the pointing out of concrete solution approaches. Marina is a competent, sensitive and absolutely motivating person. This made it easier for me to see and understand my personal weaknesses through a different perspective. I found her approach to be very customized and professional. Since I have attended Marina's personal coaching, I have been able to experience smaller and larger successes regarding emotional intelligence in my everyday life again and again. This motivates and makes me want to do more.»

Karin Nebel-Schatzmann, Switzerland, November 2012
«Dear Marina, thank you very much for the instructive lecture. I feel elated and motivated to tackle some things differently. Awareness is the first step to improve something. You did a great job!»

Angela Ronner, Switzerland, November 2012
«I found your lecture in Einsiedeln very exciting and I liked that you included all the participants... I like the method "8 with power". Especially the Point 5 "Rethink your expectations, values and beliefs". has brought me a big AHA. I realize that the expectations thing is really a sticking point for me. I will definitely keep practicing and hope that the arguments don't always get so emotional and heated because it makes everyone unhappy. My expression for this is: If you drive into the garage door at full throttle, there will be a dent that will stay for a while and then have to be patched up again. But you will always see the traces of it. So it's better to slow down beforehand to avoid the dent.»

Jutta Schilling, organizer & participant of the workshop "Emotional Intelligence", May 2012
«Marina Riedi held a workshop "Emotional Intelligence" for IBM Switzerland in May 2012. The audience consisted of managers and professionals. She proved to be a very inspiring and competent speaker. In particular, her in-depth knowledge of the topic, her English skills and her presentation skills were excellent. The workshop was well structured and I was very impressed by the high level of interactivity that took place during the course. The general feedback from the other participants was also very positive.»

Babs Schneeberger, Switzerland, May 2012
«I have done similar assessments in the past as part of manager training, so there was no big surprise in my results as I was already aware of my strengths and weaknesses, BUT you made the difference: your experience, explanations and coaching gave it more value, more meaning and more clarity on how I should proceed. Through your professional coaching, the mirror has moved closer and I now have a clear idea of what to look for to make the most of it. The examples you gave made it easy for me to understand and quickly gave me ideas on what to focus on and how to remember. You gave great tips and tricks that are easy to follow. It was a great pleasure and motivation for me to be coached by you. It was amazing how you hit the point to focus on by simply asking the right question or bringing in examples from your experiences.»

Paul E. ter Wal, Niederlande, April 2011
«Marina spoke this April at the Global Speakers Summit in the Netherlands (Noordwyk). The topic of her workshop was Emotional Intelligence. Her workshop was inspiring, informative, humorous, serious and focused on the essence of EI. Marina really did a great job and I am proud of her!»

Hozaifa Elsayed, Ireland, August 2011
«Marina has an outstanding ability to ask the right questions. I have never opened up to someone so quickly, and in just over thirty minutes I was able to develop a strategy to take my life and relationships to the next level, coupled with a strong commitment and drive to achieve my goal. There is something remarkably empowering about the way she listens to people and the genuine appreciation she expresses in her feedback. I left the session with a new sense of enlightenment, confidence, and a different sense of optimism and belief in myself. My sincere thanks and gratitude to her and may God bless her soul.»

Soren Gade, January 2012
«Marina has a lot of business experience, which makes Marina's advice especially valuable when it comes to suggesting how to change current behaviors that I don't think give me maximum impact when meeting with top management. Her strengths lie in asking the right questions and making the right suggestion at the right time, as well as her approachability and flexibility. Thank you for your help, Marina!»

Irina Bilyavska Camenzind, November 2011
«With Marina's professional guidance, I am able to put into practice what I have learned. I look forward with interest and concern to each of our next coaching sessions, which will help me implement one of my priority projects today - to work on myself to improve my professional and personal efficiency. Marina understands how to analyze a situation from different angles and has a professional toolkit that she can apply.
I am highly motivated to continue working on my EI because it helps me to process negative emotions, apply new behavior patterns, achieve my goals efficiently, and make myself and my environment better and more harmonious than before. What comes next? With joy and interest I await it.»